Manvel Police Citizens Academy Is Starting Soon. You Can Sign Up Now.
Have you ever asked yourself how is it liked to be a police officer?? Your chance to find out is coming soon. The Manvel Police Department will start its annual Citizens Police Academy on March 19th and is currently looking for people to sign up. The class needs a minimum of 10 participants to take place and up to a maximum of 15. The class will meet every Thursday night at Manvel City Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 pm until May 21st. To be eligible you have to be living and/or working in the City of Manvel or ETJ area, be at least 18 and no have a criminal record. I personally did the class 2 years ago and it really gave me a different perspective of what police officers go through every day on our roads. As a bonus, we had dinner provided but I can’t say if it will be the case this year. Unfortunately, too few people signed up last year and the class was canceled. I encourage you to sign up and find out what the finest of Manvel are up to. Obviously this class is not intended to train people to become police officers but maybe some of you will decide to become one. Follow this link to apply.